The Curst Capsule

Interviewing Andy Biersack Of Black Veil Brides

Interviewing Andy Biersack Of Black Veil Brides

"Aren't you lucky you're a bleeder?" 


In honor of the BVB x Curst Bleeders Collection launching, a deeper dive into the collaboration, what's next for BVB, and some preferences with Andy Biersack, vocalist of Black Veil Brides!
The BVB x Curst x SOTU Collection launched June 20th and consists of The Bleeders Artistry Palette, Lip Oil, Ombre Lipstick and Lip Liner Kit, Shadow Brush Set (8 Pcs), Hand Held Mirror, and PR Magnetic Box, all available here.

Next up: Our interview with Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides.


1. How did the BVB x Curst x SOTU collaboration manifest? Did you always envision this kind of partnership off of Bleeders?
"Curst has been doing such an amazing job of marrying the rock scene with the makeup world in a way that doesn’t feel like a hollow licensing play. It’s been clear from the first time I came across their products and early collaborations that this is a company that is rooted in our world and wants to give the best possible product to their consumers. Obviously there’s a huge cross section of the rock loving audience that also love makeup and the inherent theatricality of makeup, so this just seemed like a great opportunity for us to do something with an incredible company and to create something the BVB Army will love."


2. What is a detail within the Bleeders Collection that was important to you to incorporate?

"I’ve been wearing and messing around with makeup since I was a kid. My mom did makeup for a company called Elizabeth Arden when I was young and obviously my love of bands like KISS and wrestling and comic books all played into me wanting to paint my face constantly when I was little. Over the years of touring and doing it on a professional level night in and night out, I have come to find the things that work about products and what’s worth while and what is ultimately not up to par. We really wanted this collection to not only be something that’s a collectible for fans, but also something that is functional and up to a high standard in terms of the quality of the product. Curst has always been on the same page and made the process so easy and fun."


3. Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from in your creative endeavors?

"It really always comes from the things that inspired me from the start. Comic book heroes, horror movies, musical theatre, as I said before, wrestlers like Sting and the Undertaker, and of course the incredible lineage of theatrical bands I grew up idolizing. When it comes to the initial spark of inspiration or what brings about the initial concept for something we do, it more often than not stems from the idea to make the thing I’ve always wanted to see that doesn’t exist yet."


4. Would you label this timeframe for BVB as your Bleeders era? Or is Bleeders a piece of a bigger vision for the band right now?

"Certainly yes, this would be the “bleeders” era for the band AND it’s part of a bigger vision for what’s to come haha so I guess a bit of both, but yes this is the Bleeders era for sure."


5. What’s your preference: Pencil/gel or liquid eyeliner?

"Both! I’ve always used a pencil for the waterline or smoky eye look but obviously we did a lot of graphic eyeliner in the old days and still do to a certain extent and for that I always prefer a gel with a brush or a liquid liner."


6. What’s your preference: Lipstick or a liquid lip?

"It depends on the color. For a red like I wore in the Set The World on Fire days (very similar to the one in the bleeders collection), I always used a stick, but if I ever do a black lip on stage, I tend to go for a liquid."


7. Do you have a favorite album era in the band? In relation to the contents of the album itself, the period of your life, etc.

"That’s really hard to say because every record represents a snap shot of where we are at as people and the process of making it often reflects those emotional or physical circumstances. I would say Wretched and Divine will always be our most special record for what it represented in terms of the shift in the band. It was our first concept record and I don’t think to that point I had ever been so laser focused on anything in my life. I spent most nights at the studio while we were making that record and would track vocals for things at 4 am. I had a very specific story and sound that was in my head and being 20 years old and trying to convey that to the band and get everyone on board took a lot of growth for me as a writer, and frankly as a person. It wasn’t always easy but in the end we came together and all of us contributed so much to making that record what it is. Also, I would say The Phantom Tomorrow was one of those special periods. Lonny had just joined the band and we were so reinvigorated to work together. We had just met and started to work with Erik Ron. Every day was just a blast and so exciting to dig in and world build and create this whole concept. It marked the start of a new era in the band in so many ways, but none was more important than a rekindled mutual love and admiration for eachother as band mates and as friends."


8. What beverages and snacks are your tour rider must-haves?

"My rider is all healthy stuff haha protein shakes, chickpeas, tofu, lentils, greens and vitamin supplements, stuff like that. In the old days it was whisky hahaha how times have changed. I am so much happier now but i gotta say my rider isn’t that exciting!"


9. Who is an underrated artist/band you think deserves more love? In the scene or otherwise.

"Creeper! We are coheadlining Wembley together in October and they have obviously made a big impact in the UK, but are just now starting to attract attention in the states and they absolutely deserve more acclaim over here. They are my second favorite band outside of BVB. My first favorite is Lilith Czar, who’s working on new music now that is some of the absolute coolest shit I have ever heard and I can’t wait for everyone else to be blown away by it!"


10. What can fans expect to see next from you + BVB?

"We will always do everything we can to entertain the people who have given us a shot at doing this, so I will say what I have always said. Expect us to keep giving our all and putting everything we’ve got into what we release and we hope that you enjoy it!'



Thanks for being here and for all the love thus far on the BVB x Curst x SOTU Bleeders Collection. We have so much gratitude for this community and the opportunity to create within both the beauty and music spaces. Til next time. XOXO, Curst 🖤


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Great Q&A and interview all around. Props to Lex and CK!!


Awesome to see the growth of this band over the years. I’m extremely excited to get my hands on the products once they arrive 🖤

Candy Mosh

As an aspiring makeup artist that’s loved Black Veil Brides since middle school, this collaboration is everything! There was clearly so much heart and soul put into this collection, and it’s paid off in a truly epic way. I can’t wait to get my hands on it! BVB Army forever!

Adrian Whitlock

Andy, I have SO MUCH to thank you for. I’ve listened since I was in high school but since I became paralyzed from the waist down your music has helped me get through it. I’m a makeup artist as well so the moment I saw that my favorite makeup brand collaborated with BVB I knew I just had to jump on it! Thank you so much!!

Ali Chumley

I love how genuine he answers the questions he’s an amazing speaker as well as a fantastic singer songwriter. Great interview Curst!


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