The Curst Catalog: Week 31 New Music (August 2, 2024)

The Curst Catalog: Week 31 New Music (August 2, 2024)

True friends share music. We got you.

With the constant flow of new music and tours being announced, it's sometimes (always) really hard to keep up. For us, we love supporting our faves and finding new artists to love and share. Thus, The Curst Catalog was created! The fourth of many listings of songs and albums for this community to dive into.
Each week we will condense a list of 4-6 songs/records released in the last week or so for your consumption. They will be within the metal, rock, alternative realm, and may even be directly related to previous (or upcoming 😉) collaborations with us. Our hope is that you find stuff you love and continue to spread the love of music with the people around you.
Let's get into it 🖤


Feel free to listen, playlist, and/or share right from Spotify. Let us know which of these was your favorite in the comments! Hope you found something new to immerse into and we'll see you next time.
XOXO, Curst 🖤
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